Fake Caller and SMS Prank 2022

by Hydrant3 Apps



Easy to use tool to prank friends and family, funny practical joke that can simulate a fake call and fake text message. The app does not have any real call or sms/text message capabilities. it just simulates the call and sms features to prank your friends and family.The user can set a fake call by adding your desired contact photo, adding contact name and phone number, recording your own voice message that will be played when you pick up the phone,The user can also schedule the call to pop up when he wants to. when the user decides not to add a photo, the generic photo-less contact image will appear. For the fake text message / sms , you can set up the contact name, number and the message you want to receive. the contact image is a generic contact by default.Whenever in trouble, use "Fake Caller and SMS Prank" to get out of it! simulate a fake call or a fake sms.When on a horrible date. just schedule a call from your parents telling you have to rush home ASAP.When on a meeting at work. Just schedule a text message from your wife that she is giving birth and you must rush to the hospital.Simulate a fake caller or sms to rescue yourself from any awkward situation either a boring meeting, an annoying conversation or a horrible date.As stated above this is just a prank app with no call or text functionality. this app is intended for fun purposes. to make practical jokes on friends and family. Customize the contact with your own images. upload an audio file to make the call as real as possible.Use your creativity to pick some special contacts like POTUS, a top model, your ex-girlfriend, your boss or any other funny contact that will trick your friends and family.Enjoy this "never gets old" prank today for free!